Search For believes In Quotes 90

My dad believes in God I think. I'm not sure if my mom does. I don't.

As long as the opposition believes the world will stand with Ukraine's democrat reformers they will have the leverage and the courage to establish a legitimate republic under the leadership of Viktor Yushchenko.

Picking a best friend who stands up for what she believes in is true to herself and allows you to be yourself without judgement of how 'cool' you are? Well now you're picking a friend for life.

A liberal knows that the only certainty in this life is change but believes that the change can be directed toward a constructive end.

Definition of a Statistician: A man who believes figures don't lie but admits than under analysis some of them won't stand up either.

Throughout the centuries man has considered himself beautiful. I rather suppose that man only believes in his own beauty out of pride that he is not really beautiful and he suspects this himself for why does he look on the face of his fellow-man with such scorn?

A compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes he has the biggest piece.

The Dancer believes that his art has something to say which cannot be expressed in words or in any other way than by dancing.

All works of art are commissioned in the sense that no artist can create one by a simple act of will but must wait until what he believes to be a good idea for a work comes to him.

In this age which believes that there is a short cut to everything the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is in the long run the easiest.