Search For angel In Quotes 151

Food was always a big part of my life. My grandfather was one of 14 kids and his parents had a pasta factory so as a kid he and his siblings would sell pasta door to door. After he became a movie producer he opened up De Laurentiis Food Stores - one in Los Angeles and one in New York.

I turn up in Los Angeles every now and then so I can get some big money films in order to finance my smaller money films.

When a child can be brought to tears and not from fear of punishment but from repentance he needs no chastisement. When the tears begin to flow from the grief of their conduct you can be sure there is an angel nestling in their heart.

For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

I think the thing to remember though the next time you hear someone who is really certain that he is on the side of the angels is that the idea of angels was created by human beings who are famous for being frequently untrustworthy and occasional.

We had an interesting thing at that first dinner. It was prior to the availability of several new hotels in Los Angeles and we were more or less committed to the old Ambassador Hotel that has the famous Coconut Grove.

Sonny and another Hells Angel who was at the meeting thought they were beyond a little patch so they headed down to a local tattoo shop in Oakland and were the first to get the famous One Percent tattoos.

In Los Angeles as I gained and lost celebrity then gained it again I often found myself wondering why I out of thousands like me had become famous.

Maya Angelou the famous African American poet historian and civil rights activist who is hailed be many as one of the great voices of contemporary literature believes a struggle only makes a person stronger.

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No matter how good you are at some point your kids are gonna have to create their own independence and think that Mom and Dad aren't cool just to establish themselves. That's what adolescence is about. They're gonna go through that no matter what.