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The German philosopher Walter Benjamin had the curious notion that we could change the past. For most of us the past is fixed while the future is open.

That's one of the most exciting things about Michigan's future. We need to we must capitalize on our alternative-energy vehicles that we can produce right here.

Most of the media... is positioning the merger with Compaq and the recent actions by Walter Hewlett and David Packard as a fight between the past and the future.

The road to the future leads us smack into the wall. We simply ricochet off the alternatives that destiny offers. Our survival is no more than a question of 25 50 or perhaps 100 years.

Well in the book Carrie was my alter ego. In real life Sarah Jessica and I don't look anything alike. But people do say that we sound alike. Sarah Jessica is an adorable girl and she is very funny.

Back in the '70s like one of my favorite movies ever was 'The Bad News Bears' and that was a kids' movie but I don't think of it that way. I think of it as just a great movie because Walter Matthau was so funny and so harsh with those kids.

When humor can be made to alternate with melancholy one has a success but when the same things are funny and melancholic at the same time it's just wonderful.

Moderation is a virtue only in those who are thought to have an alternative.

We will not waver we will not tire we will not falter and we will not fail. Peace and Freedom will prevail.

Acceptance and tolerance and forgiveness those are life-altering lessons.

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People talk about the conscience but it seems to me one must just bring it up to a certain point and leave it there. You can let your conscience alone if you're nice to the second housemaid.