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We had a huge audience we sold truckloads of albums. If we do something that's cool people will listen to it. If we don't we would be selling people short.

It's pretty cool that people will pay for something even though they don't have to. It's totally different now to back in the day. Now you're paying for a record because you believe in the band. In the future that will be the only time people will pay for albums because there's some kind of connection.

If your album sells that's cool more people find out about you more people get turned on to what we're really about-which is a live rock and roll band.

You make your first album you make some money and you feel like you still have to show face like 'I still go to the projects.' I'm like why? Your job is to inspire people from your neighborhood to get out. You grew up there. What makes you think it's so cool?

I got a chance to have my dream come true and I wanted to make sure I made the decision as to when I dropped my last album. If I don't feel like this album is an incredible piece of work then I'm cool with the albums I've done. I don't have to put out another album.

But my main thing that I would love to see as a fan of 'Glee ' like I said is to really get into the character and who they are and what they do outside of school. I think that that's interesting. And then of course the themed stuff and the album episodes are all really cool too.

Every night I fell asleep to a different Beatles album. So I'm very familiar with the Beatles Ringo was my favorite Beatle until I grew up and then changed. I made the switch over to George Harrison just in time to regain my cool.

Well we didn't have our original drummer on our last record. And most of that album was not played as a band in the studio. It was mostly the world of computers and overdubs. There was very few things played live or worked out as a band.

It's been really fun to see with each album when I change to see the fans of the show emulate my style and with the first record a lot of the kids in the crowd were wearing neck ties like I was and now you'll see a lot of girls with pink hair. It's cool it's actually really neat.

Now I'm having to live with sales of around 50 000 per album - but I'm pretty content with my place in the general scheme of things even if it's meant I don't drive a fancy car and can't afford grand vacations.