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America enjoys the best health care in the world but the best is no good if folks can't afford it access it and doctor's can't provide it.

Recent demonstration projects have shown that with some Federal support a little funding can go a long way toward ensuring that low-income children have access to good oral health care.

While most Americans have access to the best oral health care in the world low-income children suffer disproportionately from oral disease.

We must take action now by permitting re-importation to ensure that health care and prescription drugs remain accessible and affordable for everyone.

Half of all women who are sexually active but do not want to get pregnant need publicly funded services to help them access public health programs like Medicaid and Title X the national family planning program.

The American economy has always been driven by the entrepreneurial nature of its citizens and blocking access to affordable health care will only suffocate growth within the small business sector of our economy.

America's health care system provides some of the finest doctors and more access to vital medications than any country in the world. And yet our system has been faltering for many years with the increased cost of health care.

By giving every American access to quality affordable health care they will create a more competitive a stronger and more secure America!

The national debate on health care once centered on improving access to quality care yet the effect of Obamacare will be the exact opposite resulting in the shameful degradation of care for the neediest individuals.

In sharp contrast to the idea that this stage of life is enviable we hear high levels of anxiety about getting old anxieties about health mobility access to facilities simple routine care and attention.

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When Whitney Houston died I felt great sadness. My sadness of course was about our collective loss - when you listened to this nightingale sing your body would drop into a chair your head would tilt up a small smile would creep across your face and inside you knew that there was a higher power somewhere: gifted beautiful spiritual.