Pharmaceutical companies are enjoying unprecedented profits and access with this Administration. Yet the Republicans' prescription drug plan for seniors has been a colossal failure and over 43 million Americans wake up every morning without health insurance.
Foreign aid is neither a failure nor a panacea. It is instead an important tool of American policy that can serve the interests of the United States and the world if wisely administered.
It is hard as an American to support the failure of American military operations in Iraq. Such failure will bring with it the death and wounding of many American service members and many more Iraqis.
Americans who make more of marrying for love than any other people also break up more of their marriages but the figure reflects not so much the failure of love as the determination of people not to live without it.
African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but comprise 32 percent of patients treated for kidney failure giving them a kidney failure rate that is 4.2 times greater than that of white Americans.
Nixon's grand mistake was his failure to understand that Americans are forgiving and if he had admitted error early and apologized to the country he would have escaped.
With the NDAA his failure to close Guantanamo Bay and the ramping use of drones President Obama looks suspiciously like President Bush a man on a quest for American Empire.
The failure of national economic policy is costing us more than jobs it has begun to weaken that uniquely American spirit of risk-taking large ambition and optimism about the future. We must rally them now to bold departures that rebuild our national morale as well as our material prosperity.
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt.
I live with one foot in the sand and one in the snow. There's European egocentricity and the African opposite. I normally say that my African experience has made me a better European.