My health may be better preserved if I exert myself less but in the end doesn't each person give his life for his calling?
People who don't know how to keep themselves healthy ought to have the decency to get themselves buried and not waste time about it.
My personal goals are to be happy healthy and to be surrounded by loved ones.
As the blessings of health and fortune have a beginning so they must also find an end. Everything rises but to fall and increases but to decay.
I believe that how you feel is very important to how you look - that healthy equals beautiful.
America's health care system is in crisis precisely because we systematically neglect wellness and prevention.
A desire to be in charge of our own lives a need for control is born in each of us. It is essential to our mental health and our success that we take control.
How do I stay so healthy and boyishly handsome? It's simple. I drink the blood of young runaways.
I really believe the only way to stay healthy is to eat properly get your rest and exercise. If you don't exercise and do the other two I still don't think it's going to help you that much.
A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses.