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I wouldn't say that processed food ready meals and even takeaways aren't relevant to modern life it's just that over the past 40 years there are three generations of people who have come out of school and gone through their home life without ever being shown how to cook properly.

When you love food as much as I do staying healthy is not easy. I mean moderation not deprivation. That's my new way of living. I always want more and that's just my life.

I've always hoped 'Chopped' would telegraph our enormous affection and love and admiration for chefs and food but at the same time we are inflicting extraordinary cruelty on them.

My grandfather gave me inspiration to cook and love food and flavors. My Aunt Raffie gave me creativity and the inspiration to create new things. My mother inspires me to find simplicity in food.

Food is not rational. Food is culture habit craving and identity.

The vast amount of waste and sheer stupidity in government - from the Pentagon to the Food and Drug Administration - could fill committee agendas for years.

Training is such a vital part of preparation for a game you really do train to play. It tops up your ability like sharpening a carving knife. You can get away with not doing it for a while as long as you have reached a certain standard of fitness.

So I've broadened the fitness concept to make it one of moderation and balance.

As you know Social Security functions under the premise that today's workers will help finance benefits for retirees and that these workers will then be supported by the next generation of workers paying into the same system.

As Michigan's voice on the Senate Finance Committee and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee I will continue working to make sure the next generation of advanced technologies and alternative fuel vehicles are made right here in America.