Search For techno In Quotes 870

Film is a very young art that is still evolving. Soon we shall reach a balance between content and technology.

The art challenges the technology and the technology inspires the art.

Technological considerations are of great importance to architecture and cities in the informational society.

After World War II great strides were made in modern Japanese architecture not only in advanced technology allowing earthquake resistant tall buildings but expressing and infusing characteristics of traditional Japanese architecture in modern buildings.

I believe very strongly and have fought since many years ago - at least over 30 years ago - to get architecture not just within schools but architecture talked about under history geography science technology art.

I've always been fascinated with the juxtaposition of technology in music not only in recording but in the keyboard. It's amazing the way you can apply technology to an art form.

I was the first spokesperson for the Better Hearing Institute in Washington. And that's the message we tried to send out - there is hearing help out there and the technology and options are amazing.

We have an amazing advantage right now in that we have developed technology that is so sexy so engaging for kids.

There are a lot of people using technology that are playing to a click with backing vocals already stuck in there on some computerized thing that runs along in time to the show so they have these amazing vocals that are only partly the guys on stage producing them at the time.

Research and development needs permanent tax credits to build the technology that spurs our growth. But no government programs alone can get America's students to study more science and math parents must push and help their children to meet this goal.

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So we're considering doing a new Christmas album because there's been Christmas episodes since then and maybe finally do the version of 'The Most Offensive Song Ever' with lyrics intact.