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On banks I make no apology for attacking spivs and gamblers who did more harm to the British economy than Bob Crow could achieve in his wildest Trotskyite fantasies while paying themselves outrageous bonuses underwritten by the taxpayer. There is much public anger about banks and it is well deserved.

The intoxication of anger like that of the grape shows us to others but hides us from ourselves.

The great thing about celebrity culture is that they can't seem to stop themselves from displaying their ridiculous behaviour. I feel it's my job as a serious investigative journalist to witness all kinds of behaviour and then report back to the audience through the prism of my own anger and bitterness.

Guilt is anger directed at ourselves - at what we did or did not do. Resentment is anger directed at others - at what they did or did not do.

Anger is like those ruins which smash themselves on what they fall.

In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth and have begun striving for ourselves.

You can be the best actor in the world but if you don't have that one lucky moment it kind of doesn't matter. There are a lot of amazing actors who will never get the chance to prove themselves because they won't have that one lucky moment.

Definitely they write themselves. It's an amazing experience. It's like the characters have come alive and are sitting on my shoulder talking to me telling me their tales.

The people who did the collateralized mortgage obligations sold them to pension funds then sold them short then bought credit default swap insurance on them are just amazing. They are a law unto themselves.

At the New York Athletic Club they serve amazing food. People go there get healthy and then eat themselves to death - which is I suppose the right way to do it.