The future that I will not live to see is the one my children will live in. That's my immortality. And I shouldn't try to mortgage theirs for my benefit.
Head Start's ability to improve the educational skills and opportunities of Latino children will be an important component of America's future success.
To a father when a child dies the future dies to a child when a parent dies the past dies.
Not even the brightest future can make up for the fact that no roads lead back to what came before - to the innocence of childhood or the first time we fell in love.
We need to think of the future and the planet we are going to leave to our children and their children.
It is the child's understanding that teaches the adults the way of the future. They're still doing it today with modern technology.
Of course I am political. You 'ave to be don't you? Every day it is about your future your right to that future. 'Ow can people ignore this? We 'ave to leave a good world for our children n'est-ce pas?
The future will be the child of the past and the present even if a rebellious child.
Looking ahead future generations may learn their social skills from robots in the first place. The cute yellow Keepon robot from Carnegie Mellon University has shown the ability to facilitate social interactions with autistic children. Morphy at the University of Washington happily teaches gestures to children by demonstration.
Healthy children are born from healthy respected well-nourished and educated mothers and it is imperative that they have a voice in the decisions which affect them. If you empower a mother and let her have her say towards a poverty-free future the positive impact this would have on ending hunger will be immense.