Search For intel In Quotes 852

The best intelligence test is what we do with our leisure.

Cynical realism is the intelligent man's best excuse for doing nothing in an intolerable situation.

What is important then is not that the critic should possess a correct abstract definition of beauty for the intellect but a certain kind of temperament the power of being deeply moved by the presence of beautiful objects.

People tend not to use this word beauty because it's not intellectual - but there has to be an overlap between beauty and intellect.

Now I'm not saying I'm fashionable but there are sociological interests that matter to me things that are theoretical political intellectual and also concerned with vanity and beauty that we all think about but that I try to mix up and translate into fashion.

I really admire a woman for her intelligence her personality. Beauty is not enough.

The fame that goes with wealth and beauty is fleeting and fragile intellectual superiority is a possession glorious and eternal.

It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement the greatest source of visual beauty the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.

After all it is the divinity within that makes the divinity without and I have been more fascinated by a woman of talent and intelligence though deficient in personal charms than I have been by the most regular beauty.

Sex and beauty are inseparable like life and consciousness. And the intelligence which goes with sex and beauty and arises out of sex and beauty is intuition.