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If you feel rooted in your home and family if you're active in your community there's nothing more empowering. The best way to make a difference in the world is to start by making a difference in your own life.

I do all of the grocery shopping in my little family. I buy cheese of many different kinds sliced packaged meats and poultry bagels immense quantities of eggs pre-made fried chicken. Milk. Bacon. It is insane how much dairy deli and bakery stuff I buy.

I now have two different audiences. There's the one that has been watching my action films for 20 years and the American family audience. American jokes less fighting.

I am hoping that in this year of the family we will go into our families and reconcile differences.

My family isn't really all that different from anyone else's. Well maybe they're a bit more entertaining.

I grew up in a family that was multifaceted sexually oriented and pretty much open to everything. And because I was working my friends were all adults. I had a tough time going to different schools because people knew me from films and I was the fat child who got beaten up every day.

Everybody has basically the same family it's just reconfigured slightly differently from one to the next.

It is the logic of consumerism that undermines the values of loyalty and permanence and promotes a different set of values that is destructive of family life.

Getting married and starting a family has been a lifelong goal and one that I have persevered through different paths up to it!

Happy or unhappy families are all mysterious. We have only to imagine how differently we would be described - and will be after our deaths - by each of the family members who believe they know us.