Search For selves In Quotes 886

We have magnificent brains but we use a great deal of our brilliance to keep ourselves stuck and ignorant to keep ourselves from not shining. We are so afraid of our beauty and radiance and brilliance because it scared the adults around us when we were children.

These women whose antics we smirk at good-naturedly in the pap-traps put themselves out there at least partly on their beauty they are in showbiz and showing what they've got is part of their business as much as it is for male show-ponies from the Chippendales to George Clooney.

Women are so unforgiving of themselves. We don't recognize our own beauty because we're too busy comparing ourselves to other people.

People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder ' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look including inside ourselves.

During the 80s and 90s we all became consumed with ourselves. In the 21st century we've come back to simpler times. People are struggling economically and this has forced them to scale back the material aspects of their lives and realise the beauty of finding the simple joy in being with the people we love.

Vampires have always held a very seductive kind of lore and have always been some variety of attractive whether it's attractiveness that's born of just the physical attributes that they have - this kind of ethereal beauty or translucent pallor - or whether it is more to do with the way they carry themselves.

That's why I began doing makeup in the first place: I was hoping that through helping people see the beauty in themselves I could try and find it in me.

The beauty of independence departure actions that rely on themselves.

Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

The townspeople outside the reservations had a very superior attitude toward Indians which was kind of funny because they weren't very wealthy they were on the fringes of society themselves.