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If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created not just as it looked when we got through with it.

The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present but it is a source of inspiration of vitality and hope where others have resigned it enables a man to hold his head high to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy.

When we criticize in Iran the actions of the government the fundamentalists say that we and the Bush Administration are in the same camp. The funny thing is that human rights activists and Mr. Bush can never be situated in the same group.

Sometimes people get mad at The Simpsons' subversive story telling but there's another message in there which is a celebration of making wild funny stories.

My mother was a terrific force in my life. Wartime-generation woman hadn't gone to university but should have done. Was very funny very verbal very clever very witty.

It's funny that there was so much disturbance about having a Catholic in the White House with Kennedy and when we finally get a religion in the White House that's causing a lot of conflicts and concerns and disturbances for a lot of people it's in the Bush Administration.

My father was always a straight-up funny guy. He was silly. He was my inspiration.

Hemingway seems to be in a funny position. People nowadays can't identify with him closely as a member of their own generation and he isn't yet historical.

Moderation is a virtue only in those who are thought to have an alternative.

Our philosophy precedes from the belief that sport is an inalienable part of the educational process and a factor for promoting peace friendship cooperation and understanding among peoples.