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The difference between art about death and actual death is that one's a celebration and the other's a dull fact.

'Hamlet' is one of the most dangerous things ever set down on paper. All the big unknowable questions like what it is to be a human being the difference between sanity and insanity the meaning of life and death what's real and not real. All these subjects can literally drive you mad.

I was blessed with a birth and a death and I guess I just want some say in between.

There is no fundamental difference between the preparation for death and the practice of dying and spiritual practice leading to enlightenment.

The compact which exists between the North and the South is a covenant with death and an agreement with hell.

The essence of the Hebrew Bible transmitted by Christianity is separation: between life and death nature and God good and evil man and woman and the holy and the profane.

Like all of us in this storm between birth and death I can wreak no great changes on the world only small changes for the better I hope in the lives of those I love.

The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect between life and death. When literature becomes too intellectual - when it begins to ignore the passions the emotions - it becomes sterile silly and actually without substance.

The message that President Obama delivered in his speech at Notre Dame was: morality is immoral. Pro-life is the extremist position not a moral position. Yet we should compromise and work to reduce abortions. Where's the compromise between life and death - and why work to reduce the number of them occurring if there's nothing wrong with them?

A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.