Search For unity In Quotes 679

Indeed I regard the enduring support which I have received over the years from all sections of the community in Ballymena as being more than sufficient recognition for any success which I may have achieved as an actor.

The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.

The secret of success is to be ready when your opportunity comes.

To many a man and sometimes to a youth there comes the opportunity to choose between honorable competence and tainted wealth. The young man who starts out to be poor and honorable holds in his hand one of the strongest elements of success.

When terrorists attacked the symbols of our national unity and strength they failed to realize that they were just symbols of our strength. The real strength of our nation comes from our people - not our buildings.

The basis on which good repute in any highly organized industrial community ultimately rests is pecuniary strength and the means of showing pecuniary strength and so of gaining or retaining a good name are leisure and a conspicuous consumption of goods.

I think my best skill in this whole deal is as a conduit to try to bring people together because I think it's in our unity that we'll have the greatest strength.

An organization which claims to be working for the needs of a community - as SNCC does - must work to provide that community with a position of strength from which to make its voice heard. This is the significance of black power beyond the slogan.

When all is said and done the real citadel of strength of any community is in the hearts and minds and desires of those who dwell there.

In view of China's growing military strength and intentions the best way to safeguard Asia's permanent peace and prosperity is to have all Asian countries join forces with other democratic countries in the world to form a global community of democracies.