Search For suddenly In Quotes 104

You have no idea how humiliating it was as a boy to suddenly have all your clothes your toys snatched by the bailiff. I mean we were a middle-class family it's not as if it was happening up and down the street. It made me ashamed I felt dirty.

I can't tell you how scary it can be walking onto a movie and suddenly joining this family it's like going to somebody else's Christmas dinner everyone knows everyone and you're there and you're not quite sure what you're supposed to be doing.

The Great Inflation of the 1970s destroyed faith in paper assets because if you held a bond suddenly the bond was worth much less money than it was before.

Once you're in a particular country and you're surrounded by musicians who are so adept at traditional music you suddenly realize how much there is to explore and digest and learn and experience.

When you do find humor in trying times one of the first and most important changes you experience is that you see your perplexing problems in a new way - you suddenly have a new perspective on them.

And so you touch this limit something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power your determination your instinct and the experience as well you can fly very high.

It's not only imagination it's the distortion of the vision. You suddenly think This person is idealistic this person is strong this person has dreams when you know better most of the time. You put what you want to see on people.

Deep down no one really believes they have a right to live. But this death sentence generally stays tucked away hidden beneath the difficulty of living. If that difficulty is removed from time to time death is suddenly there unintelligibly.

Die v.: To stop sinning suddenly.

It is because my dad died suddenly that I became an actor. I thought I'm going to make money doing this thing I enjoy.