Search For stake In Quotes 326

University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.

In politics... never retreat never retract... never admit a mistake.

People wish to be poets more than they wish to write poetry and that's a mistake. One should wish to celebrate more than one wishes to be celebrated.

It doesn't work if the bad guys kill his mother's uncle's friend's neighbor's pet dog. You've got to make the stakes high.

Do not make the mistake of treating your dogs like humans or they will treat you like dogs.

Well I think it has always been a mistake to reduce the peace process in Ireland to a decommissioning process.

It would be especially tragic if the people who most cherish ideals of peace who are most anxious for political cooperation on a wider than national scale made the mistake of underestimating the pace of economic change in our modern world.

Lack of pep is often mistaken for patience.

It's a great mistake I think to put children off with falsehoods and nonsense when their growing powers of observation and discrimination excite in them a desire to know about things.

Don't be afraid in nature: one must be bold at the risk of having been deceived and making mistakes.

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Well my view before was a Western view and I certainly understand marriage equality and civil rights equal rights for all but having visited developing nations and some of the poorest nations in the world I realize how deep it goes and how much work really needs to be done to create equality for all.