Search For sounds In Quotes 96

I know who my dad is I've met him a few times but I don't even call him dad. I know it sounds horrible but I don't even see him as part of my family to be honest. If you want the truth it doesn't bother me because I don't know any different. I just know that me and my mum that was my family.

The music I want to hear in my head sounds somewhere between Jimi Hendrix and Massive Attack. It's not really like my dad but there will always be similarities because we have the same vocal cords and I learnt the guitar the way he taught me.

I just really like fun cool interesting quirky girls. And sometimes you find that in 6'2 model bodies and sometimes they're short and brunette. All shapes and sizes - it's really about the personality. That sounds cliche but it's so freaking true!

I'm not a guy who curses very much in my personal life. When I curse it sounds like a kid trying to be cool. But I think there are quite a few people my father being one of them who use curse words rather eloquently.

I get really cool gifts and I know this sounds really lame but I think one of the best gifts I've ever received was the Easy Bake Oven when I was younger. When I was little I loved to bake! I want to get one now so I can make weird mini desserts for people.

I do think sometimes there's danger in guest appearance mania. I've seen too many examples that sound cool on paper like 'Oh get that guy to sing the hook on that guy's song ' and then that's all it is. It's a cool idea that sounds good on paper.

Lonnie was ahead of his time but at the same time he was right in there with Albert Collins's Cool Sounds.

I put on the Hank Williams and the Patsy Cline and the Rosemary Clooney on vinyl - I'm not trying to be some cool indie-rock person I just love the way it sounds - and throw on a T-shirt and jeans. In Texas we practically come out of the womb in jeans.

Music is about communication... it isn't just something that maybe physically sounds good or orally sounds interesting it's something far far deeper than that.

It sounds so trite but in relationships you have to communicate.

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I wasn't going to get such a nice car - I was going to get a cute little hybrid or something keep the trees happy - but then my grandfather died and it was all: retail therapy!