Search For sometime In Quotes 708

Ask everyone whether they're an actor or a doctor or a teacher or whatever is entitled to his or her opinion. But unfortunately because actors are in the public eye whether we want it or not sometimes our opinions carry more weight or influence than they deserve.

Advice is sometimes transmitted more successfully through a joke than grave teaching.

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'.

Okay so sometimes in life I can be a score-keeper - someone who keeps track of what he gives and what he gets in return. An annoying quality to say the least and I'm sure my wife has your sympathy but it's made me highly attuned to when and where credit is due.

I sometimes get that wonderful sympathy between me and the audience telling me I've reached their hearts. And when I do the thrill is mine.

Interest does not tie nations together it sometimes separates them. But sympathy and understanding does unite them.

I have sometimes been wildly despairingly acutely miserable racked with sorrow but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.

People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to.

Sometimes success comes in ways you don't expect.

Success sometimes can really bite you in the shorts.