Search For shake In Quotes 76

It is the function of art to renew our perception. What we are familiar with we cease to see. The writer shakes up the familiar scene and as if by magic we see a new meaning in it.

He who is incapable of feeling strong passions of being shaken by anger of living in every sense of the word will never be a good actor.

Shakespeare is all big themes like the most amazing love or the most scary war.

I started running outside when I was at 'Biggest Loser.' Then I got runner's knee and thought I was never going to be able to shake it. When I overcame that and ran the L.A. Marathon it was such an amazing thing and now running is such a part of my routine.

It's amazing how age after age in country after country and in all languages Shakespeare emerges as incomparable.

A book is sent out into the world and there is no way of fully anticipating the responses it will elicit. Consider the responses called forth by the Bible Homer Shakespeare - let alone contemporary poetry or a modern novel.