Search For republican In Quotes 191

This Congress is simply not doing its job under Republican leadership.

It is sad that the Republican leadership is not as interested as they say they are in protecting the institution of marriage as they are in waging a campaign to divide and distract the American people from the real issues that need to be addressed.

I think that if Republicans are given the reins of leadership in the House or Senate or both we will have to govern in a way - at least put forward solutions whether or not the president goes along with them or not that deal with these long-term challenges.

We need real leadership Democrat Republican and independent to stand up and say we have to live within our means.

There's a very big gulf between the black civil rights leadership in America and the black middle class in America. The black middle class are conservative. Many of those minorities can be persuaded to be members of the Republican Party.

Republican leadership in Congress let the energy companies write the energy bill that sent prices soaring and has turned a blind eye to the struggles of working families trying to make ends meet.

Year after year President Bush has broken his campaign promises on college aid. And year after year the Republican leadership in Congress has let him do it.

It is past time for Republican leadership to answer for record deficits and reckless spending both in Iraq and in the U.S. It's time for a plan to bring our troops home.

The House Republican leadership has simply run out of ideas.

The problem is is that President Bush and the Republican leadership in the Congress have resisted attempts to increase dramatically our fuel economy standards over the last five years.

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My dad was a journalist. He was in Rwanda right after the genocide. In Berlin when the wall came down. He was always disappearing and coming back with amazing stories. So telling stories for a living made sense to me.