Search For reject In Quotes 82

For an actor you're rejected eight or ten times a day. All you've got to sell is yourself. You're not selling products they're not turning down a car they're turning you down. Most people can't handle that. Most people are essentially not set up that way.

I reject the cynical view that politics is a dirty business.

I was told to avoid the business all together because of the rejection. People would say to me 'Don't you want to have a normal job and a normal family?' I guess that would be good advice for some people but I wanted to act.

If we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday at a time of presidential inaugurals this is thanks to Ronald Reagan who created the holiday and not to the Democratic Congress of the Carter years which rejected it.

What is sacred among one people may be ridiculous in another and what is despised or rejected by one cultural group may in a different environment become the cornerstone for a great edifice of strange grandeur and beauty.

Attitude is your acceptance of the natural laws or your rejection of the natural laws.

Liberalism is an attitude rather than a set of dogmas - an attitude that insists upon questioning all plausible and self-evident propositions seeking not to reject them but to find out what evidence there is to support them rather than their possible alternatives.

The contemporary thing in art and literature is the thing which doesn't make enough difference to the people of that generation so that they can accept it or reject it.

Not many architects have the luxury to reject significant things.

It's amazing how fast generations lose sight of other generations. One of the first things the young composers who come to work with me say is that they want to write music people will like instead of gaining their credentials by being rejected by the audience.