Search For rational In Quotes 134

It's inspirational to see someone who is dying smile.

The single most important thing in a child's performance is the quality of the teacher. Making sure a child spends the maximum amount of time with inspirational teachers is the most important thing.

Today mythical thinking has fallen into disrepute we often dismiss it as irrational and self-indulgent. But the imagination is also the faculty that has enabled scientists to bring new knowledge to light and to invent technology that has made us immeasurably more effective.

I hope that at the end of the seven years people will say that I have been of some inspirational value to them at home in terms of inclusiveness and abroad I look forward to representing Ireland.

Just as the police review their operational tactics so we in the Home Office will review the powers available to the police.

Illogical thinkers throw names and slurs around because they have no arguments with which to rebut their opponents. Rational people have to keep hammering their points home.

I think that the reason for my success is that I am really not aspirational. I am inspirational in that the people at home feel like they can really relate to me.

Everybody knows they're on the Obama team: There isn't vice presidential vs. presidential division there's not a generational pull. People have internalized that this is a real moment in history.

If you're going to vote on a television contract there is a certain rationality to saying that the same structures that are applied to Health Plan participation should be placed on the right to vote on a strike.

I seem to be thinking rationally again in the style that is characteristic of scientists. However this is not entirely a matter of joy as if someone returned from physical disability to good physical health.