Search For paint In Quotes 250

You can't work in the movies. Movies are all about lighting. Very few filmmakers will concentrate on the story. You get very little rehearsal time so anything you do onscreen is a kind of speed painting.

I'm sorry I didn't wear paint this morning. I tend not to wear it unless I'm getting highly paid.

There is nothing that special to see when looking at me. I'm a painter who paints day in day out from morning till evening - figure pictures and landscapes more rarely portraits.

Sometimes I miss out the morning's painting session and instead study my Japanese books in the open.

I am a night painter so when I come into the studio the next morning the delirium is over.

Some days I would be there at ten in the morning and wouldn't leave till ten at night and the others would waltz in for a couple of hours and then leave because I was doing that painting thing. And they were happy to see that being done.

It seems to me madness to wake up in the morning and do something other than paint considering that one may not wake up the following morning.

I've just finished my 20th book this past year and I'm working on my 21st book about the Middle East right now that I'll finish this year. And I get up early in the morning and when I get tired of the computer and tired of doing research I walk 20 steps out to my woodshop and I either build furniture or paint paintings. I'm an artist too.

People don't have time to wait for somebody to paint their portraits anymore. The money is in photography.

I had some money I made the best paintings ever. I was completely reclusive worked a lot took a lot of drugs. I was awful to people.

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I've been left alone even by the paparazzi because what sells is sex and scandal. Absent that they really don't have much interest in you. I'm still married still working still happy.