Search For origin In Quotes 174

Unprovided with original learning unformed in the habits of thinking unskilled in the arts of composition I resolved to write a book.

I did stand-up comedy for 18 years. Ten of those years were spent learning four years were spent refining and four years were spent in wild success. I was seeking comic originality and fame fell on me as a byproduct. The course was more plodding than heroic.

The world is starving for original and decisive leadership.

We have a tremendous lack of knowledge of how far we have gotten away from the Constitution of the United States. Democrats and Republicans alike have taken us away from the original intent. You see I believe in this document as our founding fathers intended it.

It wasn't a problem for me drawing humans although I had originally come to the studio with the idea that what I had to offer them was my knowledge in the drawing of animals.

Life has obliged him to remember so much useful knowledge that he has lost not only his history but his whole original cargo of useless knowledge history languages literatures the higher mathematics or what you will - are all gone.

Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes but to follow virtue and knowledge.

All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions.

Art owes its origin to Nature herself... this beautiful creation the world supplied the first model while the original teacher was that divine intelligence which has not only made us superior to the other animals but like God Himself if I may venture to say it.

The original PATRIOT Act greatly increased our nation's ability to share intelligence information made better use of technology and provided terrorism investigators tools that have long been available in cases involving illegal drugs and organized crime.