Search For newspaper In Quotes 85

Deep Throat's information and in my view courage allowed the newspaper to use what he knew and suspected.

In Fargo they say well that's a job. How well do you get paid? For example for this book I was written about in Entertainment Weekly and it was kind of cool because my mom asked me if Entertainment Weekly was a magazine or a newspaper.

When you're a kid you see your parents reading the newspaper and you're like 'God why are they reading the newspaper?' When you're young you're not reading the newspaper. But there comes a time in your life when the newspaper's cool.

Because of that I don't care when I read in the newspaper that I am colourblind. I went through a red light in my car and I stopped when I before a green light. So I must be really colourblind eh?

It's a libel to say that I use my newspapers to support my other business interests. The fact is I haven't got any other business interests.

The best discussion of trouble in boardroom and business office is found in newspapers' own financial pages and speeches by journalists in management jobs.

Newspapers with declining circulations can complain all they want about their readers and even say they have no taste. But you will still go out of business over time. A newspaper is not a public trust - it has a business model that either works or it doesn't.

Editor: a person employed by a newspaper whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff and to see that the chaff is printed.

The genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges or churches or parlors nor even in its newspapers or inventors but always most in the common people.

The pattern of a newspaperman's life is like the plot of 'Black Beauty.' Sometimes he finds a kind master who gives him a dry stall and an occasional bran mash in the form of a Christmas bonus sometimes he falls into the hands of a mean owner who drives him in spite of spavins and expects him to live on potato peelings.

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