Search For multi In Quotes 115

The weeds keep multiplying in our garden which is our mind ruled by fear. Rip them out and call them by name.

People hate me because I am a multifaceted talented wealthy internationally famous genius.

Short of baseball and my family it was gaming. And gaming is a $20-million to $200-million multi-year effort. It's an insane stupid and utterly irresponsible act. But I did it.

We do not always appreciate the role the Queen has played in one of the most significant changes in the past 60 years: the transformation of Britain into a multi-ethnic multi-faith society. No one does interfaith better than the Royal family and it starts with the Queen herself.

I grew up in a family that was multifaceted sexually oriented and pretty much open to everything. And because I was working my friends were all adults. I had a tough time going to different schools because people knew me from films and I was the fat child who got beaten up every day.

I came from a poor family so working and going to school at the same time was natural. It taught me multi-tasking although we didn't call it that back then. I learned I could never be idle I need to be doing many things at once.

Christians can bring peace to multi-religious Europe because we are able to understand the role of faith in the lives of other believers better than atheists.

We know the past and its great events the present in its multitudinous complications chiefly through faith in the testimony of others.

The most important training though is to experience life as a writer questioning everything inventing multiple explanations for everything. If you do that all the other things will come if you don't there's no hope for you.

When I go to my live shows it's often a multigenerational audience a family bonding experience.