Search For mortal In Quotes 102

Deep into that darkness peering long I stood there wondering fearing doubting dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

And I think my sexuality was heavily repressed by the church by the you know the design of the mortal sins.

On the basis of biological sociological and historical knowledge we should recognize that the individual self is subject to death or decay but the sum total of individual achievement for better or worse lives on in the immortality of The Larger.

To be immortal is commonplace except for man all creatures are immortal for they are ignorant of death what is divine terrible incomprehensible is to know that one is immortal.

The disembodied spirit is immortal there is nothing of it that can grow old or die. But the embodied spirit sees death on the horizon as soon as its day dawns.

My mortal foe can no ways wish me a greater harm than England's hate neither should death be less welcome unto me than such a mishap betide me.

Death gives us sleep eternal youth and immortality.

Man as long as he lives is immortal. One minute before his death he shall be immortal. But one minute later God wins.

The fear of death often proves mortal and sets people on methods to save their Lives which infallibly destroy them.

Because I could not stop for death He kindly stopped for me The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality.