Search For longs In Quotes 88

To be at ease is better than to be at business. Nothing really belongs to us but time which even he has who has nothing else.

The beauty of the past belongs to the past.

So every creative act strives to attain an absolute status it longs to create a world of beauty to triumph over chaos and convert it to order.

I write for no other purpose than to add to the beauty that now belongs to me. I write a book for no other reason than to add three or four hundred acres to my magnificent estate.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Art is not merely an imitation of the reality of nature but in truth a metaphysical supplement to the reality of nature placed alongside thereof for its conquest.

The artist belongs to his work not the work to the artist.

Does it follow that the house has nothing in common with art and is architecture not to be included in the arts? Only a very small part of architecture belongs to art: the tomb and the monument. Everything else that fulfils a function is to be excluded from the domain of art.

Every time a student walks past a really urgent expressive piece of architecture that belongs to his college it can help reassure him that he does have that mind does have that soul.

So while an incredible amount of progress has been made on this fifth anniversary I wanted to come here and tell the people of this city directly: My administration is going to stand with you - and fight alongside you - until the job is done. Until New Orleans is all the way back all the way.