Search For leaders In Quotes 599

There is an irresistible demand to strengthen the leadership of the constructive forces of the world at the present momentous time. This is true because of stupendous almost unbelievable changes which have taken place in recent years on every continent.

Such highly qualitative leadership is demanded especially in the realm of the fostering of right international relations. Here the demand is simply irresistible.

The business manager was doing fine back in his office while they were out on the line hungry. And so they started to see a lot of that and there was that maybe the leadership had its own cause. More so than the miners you know it was like a power struggle.

Woodrow Wilson called for leaders who by boldly interpreting the nation's conscience could lift a people out of their everyday selves. That people can be lifted into their better selves is the secret of transforming leadership.

Party domination and State leadership are concepts incompatible with one another.

The House has passed several bipartisan bills to ensure all Americans have the opportunity to secure a good job to provide for their families. All of these jobs bills deserve the support of our Senators and a strong show of leadership from the president.

House Republican leadership have refused to allow a clean minimum wage vote. Close to 15 million Americans will be affected if we did this. Do Republicans really expect a family to live on less than $11 000 a year?

You have to enable and empower people to make decisions independent of you. As I've learned each person on a team is an extension of your leadership if they feel empowered by you they will magnify your power to lead.

Sport fosters many things that are good teamwork and leadership.

Leadership in telecommunications is also essential since we are now in the age of e-commerce.

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I am so blessed. I've been way over-blessed. At 64 years old I look forward to going to bed every night so I can wake up in the morning and see what blessing is going to come my way that day. Because you never ever know what God's got in store for you.