Search For infinite In Quotes 90

A good education is that which prepares us for our future sphere of action and makes us contented with that situation in life in which God in his infinite mercy has seen fit to place us to be perfectly resigned to our lot in life whatever it may be.

We grew up founding our dreams on the infinite promise of American advertising. I still believe that one can learn to play the piano by mail and that mud will give you a perfect complexion.

Our dreams are firsthand creations rather than residues of waking life. We have the capacity for infinite creativity at least while dreaming we partake of the power of the Spirit the infinite Godhead that creates the cosmos.

I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death but an infinite ocean of light and love which flowed over the ocean of darkness.

Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.

Time rushes towards us with its hospital tray of infinitely varied narcotics even while it is preparing us for its inevitably fatal operation.

There is an infinite difference between a little wrong and just right between fairly good and the best between mediocrity and superiority.

Infinite striving to be the best is man's duty it is its own reward. Everything else is in God's hands.

Beauty is but the sensible image of the Infinite. Like truth and justice it lives within us like virtue and the moral law it is a companion of the soul.

Humanism was not wrong in thinking that truth beauty liberty and equality are of infinite value but in thinking that man can get them for himself without grace.