If you make a living if you earn your own money you're free - however free one can be on this planet.
I have never met anyone who did not support our troops. Sometimes however we hear accusations that someone or some group does not support the men and women serving in our Armed Forces. But this is pure demagoguery and it is intellectually dishonest.
Power does not corrupt men fools however if they get into a position of power corrupt power.
I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.
I spent some time at White Memorial Medical Center as a senior medical student doing a rotation in surgery however I felt I wasn't getting enough time assisting.
Many of us are alarmed at the skyrocketing cost of medical care including patients who are the consumers. However medical malpractice is not the reason for these increasing costs.
My parents did not have a perfect marriage. It was pretty good but it was not perfect. My marriage is not perfect. My wife is but I happen to be imperfect. However that does not discount the fact that the definition of marriage must be defended and protected.
Divorce is probably of nearly the same date as marriage. I believe however that marriage is some weeks the more ancient.
Like everything which is not the involuntary result of fleeting emotion but the creation of time and will any marriage happy or unhappy is infinitely more interesting than any romance however passionate.
Pursue some path however narrow and crooked in which you can walk with love and reverence.