Search For fruit In Quotes 100

Wisdom and penetration are the fruit of experience not the lessons of retirement and leisure. Great necessities call out great virtues.

Taste every fruit of every tree in the garden at least once. It is an insult to creation not to experience it fully. Temperance is wickedness.

Not the fruit of experience but experience itself is the end.

The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.

I always wanted to be a Californian. In my wildest dreams I always liked California - it's the place where oranges grows on trees! Fruit just falls off the trees.

To be given the opportunity to help shape new artists' careers and mentor them to see their dreams come to fruition is a task I welcome with open arms.

A plant-based diet has actually simplified my life in so many ways. For breakfast I try to get my first serving of fruits and nuts for fuel. I'm completely addicted to coconut water for the electrolytes and hydration.

Fruit is definitely on the maintenance diet. It's on the lifestyle diet.

I keep my diet simple by sticking to mostly fruits and vegetables all day and then having whatever I want for dinner. I end up making healthy choices like sushi or grilled fish because I feel so good from eating well.

My diet is mostly chicken and fish. I make sure I get a lot of vegetables a lot of fruit. I am a big fruit man I am a vegetable man anyway. And I also get a lot of rest. That's the key I may be up early but I'm in bed early too.