Search For feelin In Quotes 501

'A Bug's Life' is a really funny movie and the characters have such different personalities. The movie is happy and then gets really sad and I'm like W'hoa I'm feeling this way and this movie is about bugs!'

If I could be more vague I'd write more about people in my life but I hate hurting feelings or making people feel uncomfortable. I've done that before. Unless they're sad songs. Those get finished fast but the mean ones often end up at the back of the bottom drawer and it's probably for the best.

Love Is Louder is a movement that is hopefully going to bring some awareness and make some noise when it comes to teens who are feeling suicidal or even just sad outcasts and being bullied and really feel like they have nowhere to turn to.

Well the country songs themselves are three-chord stories ballads which are mostly sad. If you are already feeling sorry for yourself when you listen to them they will take you to an even sadder place.

It's sad something coming to an end. It cracks you open in a way - cracks you open to feeling.

Of these years nought remains in memory but the sad feeling that we have advanced and only grown older.

I think one of the downsides of the sort of obsession with romantic love and personal fulfillment is that the plain fact of the matter is that those feelings don't last for ever and so they better be replaced and reinforced by things that do.

Truthfully I almost avoided 'While You Were Sleeping ' because I find those romantic comedies kind of precious and they're full of lines that leave you feeling a little bewildered when you say them.

There are so many different reasons as to why I love riding trains. But I think ultimately it's the romantic feeling of it. There's something about it that just transports me into old films.

When I was younger many of my romantic escapades were just a means of simply avoiding being by myself. I was afraid of feeling lonely afraid I wouldn't know what to say to myself.