Search For earning In Quotes 951

Under these conditions it is not astonishing that learning was highly prized in fact my parents made sacrifices to be able to give their children a good education.

Some kids don't know where they'll spend the night. How can we expect them to focus on learning?

Students who are interested in learning about the environment should not be dissuaded from doing so but only if they have proved their proficiency in other basic courses such as U.S. history. Until then we need to focus on producing well-educated citizens steeped in their country's history and mindful of their civic responsibilities.

Everything starts and ends with the song and working with writers and really learning their process and craft was an invaluable experience.

Obviously I've been on sets before but nothing as big as 'Twilight.' You forget sometimes that you're on set of one of the biggest movies ever- so when you just sit back and think about it its just so incredible. It's such a great learning experience.

Learning is what most adults will do for a living in the 21st century.

I played saxophone so I was into jazz. I learned from each audience and each teacher that I had. I can't really tell you any rules or anything but the way I develop my beliefs is really just by personally learning from different situations.

There's always a learning curve where you've got to learn what your subject is all about.

The Finland of the 21st century can thrive only if women of learning - in common with their male counterparts - are guaranteed the opportunity to use their creative potential to the full.

I love learning new things that will never be put to practical use.