Search For deals In Quotes 95

I am so used to seeing the sort of play which deals with one man and two women. They do not leave me with the feeling I have made a full theatrical meal they do not give me the experience of the multiplicity of life.

As a result of America's efforts to realize the ideals of equality and freedom blacks in America are now the freest and richest black people anywhere on the face of the earth including all of the nations that are ruled by blacks.

Feudal societies don't create great cinema we have great theatre. The egalitarian societies create great cinema. The Americans the French. Because equality is sort of what the cinema deals with. It deals with stories which don't fall into 'Everybody in their place and who's who ' and all that. But the theatre's full of that.

Republican patience with how unionism deals with the political institutions and with key issues like equality and human rights will be tested because obviously there will be a battle a day on these matters. So lets face up to all of this with our eyes wide open.

When you stop having dreams and ideals - well you might as well stop altogether.

But we can hold our spirits and our bodies so pure and high we may cherish such thoughts and such ideals and dream such dreams of lofty purpose that we can determine and know what manner of men we will be whenever and wherever the hour strikes and calls to noble action.

The work of an advertising agency is warmly and immediately human. It deals with human needs wants dreams and hopes. Its 'product' cannot be turned out on an assembly line.

The Court is most vulnerable and comes nearest to illegitimacy when it deals with judge-made constitutional law having little or no cognizable roots in the language or design of the Constitution.

A world community can exist only with world communication which means something more than extensive short-wave facilities scattered about the globe. It means common understanding a common tradition common ideas and common ideals.

We must have ideals and try to live up to them even if we never quite succeed. Life would be a sorry business without them. With them it's grand and great.

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There's so much importance in honoring your everyday hero. It doesn't take money. It doesn't take connections. What matters is that people get involved. Whether your passion is gun control or food or whatever it may be everybody needs to stop being so self-absorbed.