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I like all of the mental psychological thriller movies too. I enjoy horror movies across the board.

We'd be working in our motel room through the night and I'd come up with an idea at two in the morning and he'd start jumping up and down pacing across the room or whatever.

I get up go and get a coffee and go do the crossword - I'm loyal to one particular paper the 'Guardian' - and that's my idea of a perfect morning.

And this President wakes up every morning looks out across America and is proud to announce 'It could be worse.' It could be worse? Is that what it means to be an American? It could be worse? Of course not. What defines us as Americans is our unwavering conviction that we know it must be better.

A survey carried out across the U.S. between 2004 and 2006 showed that frequent church- or synagogue-goers are more likely to give money to charity.

My mom always taught me to be sweet and polite and cross my legs because it's what the guys like. Actually they like a raunchy girl once in a while.

We've got activists all across the country like the members of the Million Mom March organization some of their leaders are here tonight. We're phone banking congressional offices and pursuing editorial boards.

Washington has got to across the board lower taxes for small businesses so that our mom and pops can reinvest and hire people so that our businesses can thrive.

My mom and I used to listen to records read and take train rides across the country in the summer. It was a very chill life. She didn't expose me to anything that was ahead of my development but she expected me to adjust to her world - she did not expect to adjust to mine.

I have so much respect for my mom and all the women across the world.