Search For creativity In Quotes 80

Trying to force creativity is never good.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

If architecture is as is sometimes said music set in concrete then football and basketball may be said to be creativity embodied in team sports.

A wonderful emotion to get things moving when one is stuck is anger. It was anger more than anything else that had set me off roused me into productivity and creativity.

'The Dance Scene' is basically the most amazing dance show in the world and it follows me as a creative director. You see how I maintain that creativity.

The development of beauty in chess never depends on you alone. No matter how much imagination and creativity you invest you still do not create beauty. Your opponent must react at the same highest level.

I had a very happy childhood but I wasn't that happy a child. I liked being alone and creating characters and voices. I think that's when your creativity is developed when you're young. I liked the world of the imagination because it was an easy place to go to.

From an early age I didn't buy into the value systems of working hard in a nine-to-five job. I thought creativity friendship and loyalty and pushing the boundaries of what was acceptable was much more interesting.

I'm 36 and if I met a woman of my own age and married her I'd also be marrying her former life her past. It might be OK for some people - I don't want to judge it or anything - but it's not for me. It would destroy my creativity.

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind your talents the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source you will truly have defeated age.