Search For conduct In Quotes 87

Technique is communication: the two words are synonymous in conductors.

Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.

The very first time I was on a car in Atlanta I saw the conductor - all conductors are white - ask a Negro woman to get up and take a seat farther back in order to make a place for a white man. I have also seen white men requested to leave the Negro section of the car.

The Internet has changed the way we communicate with each other the way we learn about the world and the way we conduct business.

The rest of the world cares about how we conduct our affairs because they then take that lead. We're the only leader in the world today. Some are wishing us well others think that we're down and are not going to get back up again but they are all watching with great interest to see how we conduct our business over the next couple of years.

I've set the model of showing fighters how they should conduct their business.

'Tis the business of little minds to shrink but he whose heart is firm and whose conscience approves his conduct will pursue his principles unto death.

I love the man that can smile in trouble that can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink but he whose heart is firm and whose conscience approves his conduct will pursue his principles unto death.

I love those who can smile in trouble who can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink but they whose heart is firm and whose conscience approves their conduct will pursue their principles unto death.

The great leaders are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players.

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Architecture can't fully represent the chaos and turmoil that are part of the human personality but you need to put some of that turmoil into the architecture or it isn't real.