Religion creates community community creates altruism and altruism turns us away from self and towards the common good... There is something about the tenor of relationships within a religious community that makes it the best tutorial in citizenship and good neighborliness.
The establishment wonders why we can't get more of the black vote. It's because it's not doing the things necessary to establish a deeper relationship with the black community. Most black people don't think alike. Most black people just vote alike.
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others. His own good either physical or moral is not sufficient warrant.
In every community there is work to be done. In every nation there are wounds to heal. In every heart there is the power to do it.
America has a critical role to play as the most powerful member of the world community.
The deaf community is hungry to see itself in the most positive way.
When you're growing up it's always nice to have someone you can relate and look up to. I'm proud of how I conduct my business and how I have accomplished all that I have accomplished and hope that I can be a positive influence on not only the Mexican community but also young boxers and people all around the world.
'Glee' is one of the very few mainstream outlets that is giving a voice to communities of people that don't necessarily have a loud voice specifically the gay community. It gives a really positive and forward statement.
I want to contribute to sport and the community in a positive way.
We asserted ourselves as a music community and showed legislators that music is positive. Especially if you've sold 300 million records worldwide and pay taxes.