Search For communicate In Quotes 80

A powerful idea communicates some of its strength to him who challenges it.

The thing that we are trying to do at facebook is just help people connect and communicate more efficiently.

In the last analysis what we are communicates far more eloquently than anything we say or do.

To effectively communicate we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.

The Internet has changed the way we communicate with each other the way we learn about the world and the way we conduct business.

In terms of the technology I use the most it's probably a tie between my Blackberry and my MacBook Pro laptop. That's how I communicate with the rest of the world and how I handle all the business I have to handle.

Start with good people lay out the rules communicate with your employees motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively you can't miss.

If a site is done with pleasure and a fun attitude it's a great way to communicate with your fans.

I think the amazing thing about gospel music is that not only does it lift up the death and resurrection of our Lord which is consistent with the Gospel but it is uniquely communicated depending upon the generation.

Observe record tabulate communicate. Use your five senses. Learn to see learn to hear learn to feel learn to smell and know that by practice alone you can become expert.