Search For collect In Quotes 171

The 'Robben Island Bible' has arrived at the British Museum. It's a garish thing its cover plastered with pink and gold Hindu images designed to hide its contents. Within is the finest collection of words generated by human intelligence: the complete works of William Shakespeare.

I'm the chairman of the intelligence committee. We don't only get formal briefings but we collect our information from the intelligence community in a variety of ways.

Well look CIA is an agency that has to collect intelligence do operations. We have to take risks and it's important that we take risks and that we know that we have the support of the government and we have the support of the American people in what we're doing.

'Avatar' is the greatest most comprehensive collection of movie cliches ever assembled but it's put together in a brand new way with a new technology and tremendous imagination making it a true epic and a kind of a milestone.

It is not that the child lives in a world of imagination but that the child within us survives and starts into life only at rare moments of recollection which makes us believe and it is not true that as children we were imaginative?

A poet ought not to pick nature's pocket. Let him borrow and so borrow as to repay by the very act of borrowing. Examine nature accurately but write from recollection and trust more to the imagination than the memory.

The humor section is the last place an author wants to be. They put your stuff next to collections of Cathy cartoons.

People internalize from the jail to student loan debt to credit card debt to unemployment to the whole collective. It manifests itself in many ways in people's home lives domestic stuff.

General Howard informed me in a haughty spirit that he would give my people 30 days to go back home collect all their stock and move onto the reservation.

The great and abiding lesson of American history particularly the cold war is that the engine of capitalism the individual is mightier than any collective.