Search For chase In Quotes 74

Fit no stereotypes. Don't chase the latest management fads. The situation dictates which approach best accomplishes the team's mission.

After a decade this glum we deserved a shot of 'Glee ' a show that restored our faith in the power of song the beauty of dance and the magic of 'spirit fingers' to chase our cares and woes into somebody else's backyard.

It was Public Art defined as art that is purchased by experts who are not spending their own personal money.

Credit or debit cards for starters are nothing short of shoppers' Novocain. Even in the age of digital purchases and virtual money we still attach a special value to dirty paper with pictures of presidents on it. Handing some of that to a cashier simply hurts more than handing over a little sliver of plastic.

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Women have always been courageous... They are always fearless when protecting their children and in the last century they have been fearless in the fight for their rights.