I put for the general inclination of all mankind a perpetual and restless desire of power after power that ceaseth only in death.
Everything tends to make us believe that there exists a certain point of the mind at which life and death the real and the imagined past and future the communicable and the incommunicable high and low cease to be perceived as contradictions.
Being an old maid is like death by drowning a really delightful sensation after you cease to struggle.
Death doesn't affect the living because it has not happened yet. Death doesn't concern the dead because they have ceased to exist.
The ceaseless labour of your life is to build the house of death.
One is still what one is going to cease to be and already what one is going to become. One lives one's death one dies one's life.
Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.
Either life entails courage or it ceases to be life.
The church acknowledges some Scientologists choose to sever communications with family members who leave. The church says it is a fundamental human right to cease communication with someone. It adds disconnection is used against expelled members and those who attack the church.
I just think that sometimes we hang onto people or relationships long after they've ceased to be of any use to either of you. I'm always meeting new people and my list of friends seems to change quite a bit.