Your relationship with an agent has got to be mutually beneficial. If you can't help their careers then they're not going to be interested.
The thing that I think is the most important is taking moments to express your appreciation to your partner. A thank you or a quick kiss can go a long way toward affirming your relationship and commitment to each other. That's not hard to do even when you're juggling insane careers and three kids.
I had a career and I came to motherhood late and am not married and have never had such a trusting relationship with a man - and trust is where the real power of love comes from.
It's like a garden: Whatever you water the most will do the best. At some point you decide whether you'll water your career or your relationship more.
If my career continues along its current arc people will probably look at me and see a writer who is obsessed with the relationship between rich and poor and with how the rich somehow or other always manage to betray the poor even when they don't mean to.
When the Lord Chancellor violates the trust of his great office of state to solicit party donations from people whose careers he can control and then says I'm not sorry and I'd do it again no wonder the public think that power has gone to their heads.
Something I learned very early on in my career is that there are a lot of things that you do not have any power over.
Peter Ustinov was the first really positive influence in my career. He was real and he bore witness to it. The things he said to you he lived them.
I had a great first year and Mr. MacDonald was my biggest supporter. He gave me the encouragement I needed that first year to get my career started on a positive note.
You know I started my career in politics in 1967. I'm not new to this. I did not just fall off the Christmas tree. I understand the world is complex. I know that there are people out there who want to hurt other people.