Search For capita In Quotes 151

I was elected to come to an incredibly dysfunctional capital and make the government work better and that's what I'm doing.

One of my goals upon becoming Secretary of State was to take diplomacy out of capitals out of government offices into the media into the streets of countries.

Ladies if you want to know the way to my heart... good spelling and good grammar good punctuation capitalize only where you are supposed to capitalize it's done.

Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.

Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about.

As an American I wanted to explore... why are we the only first world country that still has capital punishment? Is it because we're too afraid to really examine the system or is it because we really truly believe that this is the best way to deter future crime?

That's one of the most exciting things about Michigan's future. We need to we must capitalize on our alternative-energy vehicles that we can produce right here.

Knowledge about the economy ideas about capitalism and government the future of the world and geopolitics were things I was never really interested in.

The perennial conviction that those who work hard and play by the rules will be rewarded with a more comfortable present and a stronger future for their children faces assault from just about every direction. That great enemy of democratic capitalism economic inequality is real and growing.

Boston is actually the capital of the world. You didn't know that? We breed smart-ass quippy funny people. Not that I'm one of them. I just sorta sneaked in under the radar.