Search For capable In Quotes 134

Scarcely one person in a thousand is capable of tasting the happiness of others.

And of all illumination which human reason can give none is comparable to the discovery of what we are our nature our obligations what happiness we are capable of and what are the means of attaining it.

From their teenage years on children are considerably more capable of causing parents unhappiness than bringing them happiness. That is one reason parents who rely on their children for happiness make both their children and themselves miserable.

Money is human happiness in the abstract he then who is no longer capable of enjoying human happiness in the concrete devotes himself utterly to money.

Happiness comes only when we push our brains and hearts to the farthest reaches of which we are capable.

Those who are incapable of committing great crimes do not readily suspect them in others.

They that apply themselves to trifling matters commonly become incapable of great ones.

Man seems to be capable of great virtues but not of small virtues capable of defying his torturer but not of keeping his temper.

Concerns about the size and role of government are what seem to leave reformers stammering and speechless in town-hall meetings. The right wants to have a debate over fundamental principles elected Democrats seem incapable of giving it to them.

I really do inhabit a system in which words are capable of shaking the entire structure of government where words can prove mightier than ten military divisions.