Our nation has kept faith with its veterans. Funding for veterans healthcare and benefits is strong and has increased more than 75 percent in the last decade.
Americans cannot maintain their essential faith in government if there are two Americas in which the private sector's work subsidizes the disproportionate benefits of this new public sector elite.
For families across the UK who are income-poor but more than that whose lives are blighted by worklessness educational failure family breakdown problem debt and poor health as well as other problems giving them an extra pound - say through increased benefits - will not address the reason they find themselves in difficulty in the first place.
Why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.
Remember the two benefits of failure. First if you do fail you learn what doesn't work and second the failure gives you the opportunity to try a new approach.
That's one of the benefits of working on big budget films. You work with people who have a lot of experience and you get to learn a lot.
The American economic political and social organization has given to its citizens the benefits of material prosperity political liberty and a wholesome natural equality and this achievement is a gain not only to Americans but to the world and to civilization.
I want to work on respecting individuals' dignity. Equal rights that's where my heart is. That means equal rights and benefits and that's what we need.
Equal pay isn't just a women's issue when women get equal pay their family incomes rise and the whole family benefits.
Ethanol is a premier high performance fuel. It has tremendous environmental benefits and is a key component to energy independence for our country.